Progress meeting held in Seville, hosted by University of Seville and Abengoa

The last progress meeting of the SCARABEUS project was held in Seville on the 21st and 22nd of April. It was a two-day meeting hosted by University of Seville, on the first day, and Abengoa, on the second.



Group picture at the School of Engineering, University of Seville (standing from left: P. Iora, P. Rodríguez de Arriba, G. di Marcoberardino, A. López, V. Ilyes, E. Morosini, X. Guerif, P. David, F. Crespi, A. Sayma, M. Ruggiero, D. Sánchez, M. Fiori. Front: G. Manzolini, N. Martínez)


Sixteen delegates from the nine partners joined physically whereas other five joined remotely since they could not travel for different reasons. In the morning of the first day, a joint dissemination event along with other two projects funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission was organized, with the agenda below.


H2020 Networking Session SCARABEUS (Sala de Juntas) @ USE
Time slot What
April 20th 09:45 10:00 Welcome

Prof. David Sánchez, University of Seville

10:00 10:45 SOCRATCES, SCARABEUS & SOLARSCO2OL: key enabling technologies for fully dispatchable solar electricity (Chair: Dr. Noelia Martínez)

SOCRATCES – Enabling Large-Scale Solar Energy Storage

Prof. Ricardo Chacartegui (Project Coordinator)

Dep. Energy Engineering, University of Seville

SCARABEUS – Breaking the Temperature Chain to Enable Cost-Effective Solar Thermal Electricity

Prof. Giampaolo Manzolini (Project Coordinator)

Department of Energy, Politecnico di Milano

SOLARSCO2OL – Solar based sCO2 Operating Low-cost Plants.

Mr. Antón Lopez

Solar Innovation Department, Abengoa Energía

10:45 11:15 Coffee break
11:15 12:45 Role of CSP in the future energy landscape (Chair: Prof. David Sánchez)

Decarbonising industry through science for policy

Dr. Sonia Fereres. Scientific Project Officer JRC B5 (Circular Economy and Industrial Leadership), European Commission.

Challenges of CSP Technology in the Energy Transition   

Dr. Ana Bernardos. Head of Photo-thermal Innovation and Technological Development Unit. Solar Energy Technologies and Storage Department. CENER.

CSP definition, services and future.

Dr. Gonzalo Martín Barrera

Secretary General of Protermosolar.


A first technical session was held in the first part of the morning, later followed by a high-level panel session with delegates representing the industry, scientific community and government. Overall, some fifty attendees participated to this activity which gave way to lively discussions and very effective networking.



Joint dissemination event with projects funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the EC.


In the afternoon of the first day, the meeting continued at University of Seville for the partners of SCARABEUS who had the opportunity to discuss face-to-face for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic. On the second day, the meeting moved to the premises of Abengoa. Upon conclusion of the meeting, the partners agreed on the good progress made by all work packages, despite the inevitable impact of the shortage and higher prices of certain critical materials on the schedule of experimental activities. This is nevertheless not to be concerned about as the first set of equipment for testing has already been delivered to Technical Universty of Viena.



Group picture at Abengoa’s headquarter in Palmas Altas, Seville (from left: P. Rogríguez de Arriba, V. Ilyes, G. di Marcoberardino, A. Werner, S. Salah, A. Sayma, G. Manzolini, A. López, P. David, M. Fiori, E. Morosini, F. Crespi, D. Sánchez, X. Guerif, M. Ruggiero, P. Iora, N. Martínez)


Communication event organized at University of Seville by the SCARABEUS consortium

The next progress meeting of the SCARABEUS consortium will take place in Seville on the 20th and 21st of April 2022, hosted by University of Seville and Abengoa. This will be the first face-to-face meeting since October 2019 and all the partners are excited about it.

Alongside this meeting, the consortium has organized a communication event comprised of two main sessions. Session 1 will showcase the results produced by three research and innovation projects funded by the Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission: SOCRATCES, SOLARSCO2OL and SCARABEUS. These three projects deal with Concentrated Solar Power technologies to enable large-scale energy storage (SOCRATCES), demonstrate the operation of supercritical Carbon Dioxide power cycles at megawatt scale (SOLARSCO2OL) and demonstrate the benefits of using supercritical CO2 mixtures in hot environments (SCARABEUS).


A second session will discuss the role of Concentrated Solar Power in the future energy landscape in Europe. Three high-level speakers representing the industry (Dr. Gonzalo Martín, PROTERMOSOLAR), R&D community (Dra. Ana Bernardos, CENER) and government (Dr. Sonia Fereres, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission) will share their views in a panel discussion enabling interaction with the audience.


SCARABEUS organizing a panel session at Turbo Expo 2022 to discuss the latest R&D activities funded by the European Commission

Prof. David Sánchez, dissemination manager of SCARABEUS, is currently working on a panel session where delegates from flagship projects on supercritical Carbon Dioxide technologies in Europe will discuss the impact of these activities on the progress of the technology. As of today, the following projects will be represented: SCARABEUS, CO2OLHEAT, SOLARSCO2OL and DESOLINATION.

The speakers will announced soon so watch out for further news!