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Activities and Dissemination

7th International sCO2 Power Cycles Symposium rescheduled

7th International sCO2 Power Cycles Symposium rescheduled   Due…

New Energy Update By ReutersEvents

Check out the new article published in New Energy Update, reporting…

Cerro Dominador, the first solar thermal tower plant in Latin America, raises its receiver at 220 meters high

This is one of the last milestones in the construction of…

Francesco Crespi takes PhD viva with honours

Francesco Crespi takes PhD viva with honours   Francesco…

SCARABEUS research team at City, University of London fully assembled

    This month the latest and final member of the…


The SCARABEUS project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 814985


The aim of the SCARABEUS project is to demonstrate that the application of supercritical CO2 blends to CSP plants has the potential to reduce CAPEX by 30% and OPEX by 35% with respect to state-of-the-art steam cycles, thus exceeding the reduction achievable with standard supercritical CO2 technology. This translates into a LCoE lower than 96 €/MWh, which is 30% lower than currently possible. The project will demonstrate the innovative fluid and newly developed heatexchangers at a relevant scale (300 kWth) for 300 h in a CSP-like operating environment.

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